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8 Ways to Use Social Media to Grow Your Small Business


8 Ways to Use Social Media to Grow Your Small Business

The social media is fast becoming one of the greatest weapons for marketing business in the current age. With over 2 billion worldwide users, it is certain that customers for your business venture are using the social media already and this makes it very important to adopt the social media as your preferred marketing strategy.

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While it is very easy to join the social media, knowing how to market your business is not all that easy. Following from this, let us now examine 8 different ways you can grow your business leveraging the social media. They are as follows:

1.   Use Social Media To Increase Your Leads

A research has reported that above 65% of small businesses are on and are leveraging the social media to increase their leads. What then does a lead mean?

In the social media marketing space, leads refer to contacts with a potential customer. With the meaning of leads established, the question then follows, how do you use social media to increase leads for your business?

One of the most important ways to increase leads using social media is to promoting good and creative contents that strike a chord in your followers. This can be done by designing graphics that are about your business and are also attractive to the face. It can also involve a call to action that creates an atmosphere of urgency.

2.   Improve Search Engine Ranking

With increased leads gained through your social media, it then follows that there will be more visits to your social media profiles by different individuals. You will experience an improved search engine ranking of your web pages following the increased hits coming from your social media visitors. That is the power of the social media which any serious business owner or firm should leverage as much as is possible. You can also improve your search engine rankings by including keywords (i.e., via search engine optimisation (SEO)) in the contents you wish to dish out on your social media profile.

3.   Use Social Media to Drive Traffic

Social media is commonly used by businesses whether small or big to generate traffic to their websites. Having a strong presence on social media helps to increase the traffic generated on your website. What this means in essence is that without a strong presence on social media, your business is losing out on organically generated traffic. This therefore creates a challenge to expand your brand reach.

4.   Use Social Media to Expand Your Brand Reach

How do you expand your brand reach on social media?

Expanding your brand reach on social media is a simple thing to do. All that you need to do is to have your business presence on all the relevant social media platforms using different profiles. Then, take advantage of these platforms by dishing out creative contents that appeal to your followers, which in turn leads to conversation being created and thus getting everyone talking about your topic. With a conversation created, people will be curious to know more about the product and thereby reaching your product purchasing page.

You can also generate traffic for your business page by making it very comfortable to share the content of your business page with their contacts by providing a social sharing button largely displayed on your website.

5.   Keep an eye on the competitors

Social media is also a very good way to get information on your competitors in your line of business. It provides an avenue for you to monitor and get inspired by the performance of your competitors. You can see what type of content(s) they are posting and how they are engaging in discussions with their followers.

The social media avails you the opportunity to understand their strategies, why they are performing better than you, and what they are failing to do. With this information at your disposal, you can tweak their ideas and make it your own. By so doing, you are improving the chances of your business to succeed where your competitors’ business failed.

6.   Develop Trust with Customers

Social media also avails you the opportunity to get familiar and closer to your customers. By engaging in conversations with your customers, you also develop a loyal customer base.

You can also develop trust with your customers by using social media influencers to promote your products. These influencers certainly have a loyal base and with the promotion of your products on the influencer’s page, he or she is directly telling his followers to patronize you. By this simple act, you would gain a new set of customers that will be loyal to you as a result of the confidence they have in the influencer.

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7.   Create Brand Recognition

It is a widely known and accepted fact that people purchase recognisable brands. Social media can make your brand or product recognisable. How? Social media spreads information about things faster than other media outlets. Hence, putting out relevant and entertaining contents on your page using a good profile picture and placing the logo of your business in a strategic location on your profile can create a lasting impression in the minds of people visiting your profile, even hours and days after visiting your page.

8.   Make Your Brand to Standout as an Authority in your Field

Social media can be very instrumental to the establishment of your small business as an authority in your field or line of business. How do you achieve this? It is very simple; all you need to do is put out factual Information about the field of your business on your page regularly. This will lead more people to your page to get and confirm information.

9.   Maximise conversions

After all said and done, the main essence of leveraging on social media is to make money and profits. In other words, the goal of using social media to advertise your business is not to gain more followers and generate traffic to your page alone but also to turn these visitors to your paying customers.

How do you achieve this?

You can do this by engaging them and by giving out incentives for every purchase made. Giving out incentives can make potential customers feel inspired to purchase your product(s). You can also encourage a potential customer to make a purchase by offering discount on your products or services.

You can also win over a potential customer by creating an appealing call-to-action button, thereby motivating your potential customer to take the next step, which is to purchase your products.


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