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Showing posts from June, 2021

How to Register a Company Name with CAC

  How to Register a Company Name with CAC How to Register a Company Name with CAC will be explained here for those who want to undergo the process by themselves. After getting a  business idea , the next thing is to launch out with a creative name for the business because every business that needs to grow has to have a name. Read Also:  How to Register a New Car in Nigeria How to Register a Company Name with CAC – Photo Source: Your business name is what you wish that people will call your business and as such, you need to be careful to choose the right one. After choosing it, it is expected that you get it registered. Registering your business name gives you the privilege of having your name secured. When you register your business name, it prevents other persons from using that same name to operate any kind of business. This is to avoid collision and confusion between business owners in the country. The organization responsible for registerin...

What to do after JAMB Result is out: What Next After JAMB Result?

  SO this article will eventually list some key and important things that every candidate need to do after checking and confirming JAMB Result. Many students tends to prioritize the wrong things immediately after checking their JAMB result. One of the things students try to do which they should not do is trying to  upgrade their JAMB Result  which is not possible. After accessing some JAMbBites, we decided to come up with this article in order to provide reasonable help to candidates, both the high-flyers and the struggling one. From the one who scored 300+ to the one struggling with 150 JAMB Scores, believe me, this article will be of immense, so keep reading and get the important information that you need. Know Your Admission Cut Off Mark Do you know the cut off Mark of your school of choice for each department and courses? If you do not yet know, check out the complete  JAMB Cut off marks  for all schools here. It is essentially to know your JAMB cut off mark...